Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Meet Jon! (My first interview with a natural man)

How we met:

So I’m grabbing my lunch at this swank little place called the Urban Outfitters Corporation and I see him from across the room. You can spot those huge bleach blonde dreads from a mile away. (Ha!) After I got done I made my way over to the condiment area to get some utensils and when I looked up there he was. I complimented his hair and he gave me a friendly smile and said “Thanks.” A week later a group of my friends and I were walking to the subway and he rides by on his skateboard and waves at me. I had been telling my friends how I have been dying to meet and interview this guy.

My friend Melissa, who was also intrigued with his dreads, had spoken to him before so everyone knew of him. “Justin!” I called. “Come here.” He jumped off of his (skate) board and finally I told him about my blog and asked him if he would be okay with an interview. He said yes. To which I  responded “awesome how about we meet sometime this week (at urban)?” he replied “cool, no problem--By the way what’s your name?” I laughed and said “Sabrina” he said “My name is Jon” and we shook hands. I burst out laughing! Melissa had previously told me his name was Justin. Even though I was a tad embarrassed it was a common mistake we all laughed off. So without further ado I want you guys to meet my new friend, Jon.

  1. Tell me a little about yourself for example your age, hobbies, occupation. and where you're from:

Hmm.. what's there to tell? I'm 23 years old. Last year I graduated from the university of Delaware with a double major in chemistry and philosophy, And I'm currently using that education to... work in the coffee shop at the previously mentioned urban outfitters. When I'm not at work, my favorite way to spend my time is playing music. I play a few different things, but my main instrument is the synthesizer. I play keys in a dancey, jammy, live electronic band called tweed and that keeps me pretty occupied.

  1. How long have you been growing your locs?

I shaved my head 5 years ago and have had the locks for about half that time.

  1. What made you decide to get locs?

I've got super curly hair, and before I shaved it, it was just about down to my shoulders. Even though I washed it and detangled it every morning, by the end of the day I would have more than a few little dreaddies starting up. I always dug the style though, so eventually I decided to just go with the flow and do them myself to make the process go a little more smoothly.

  1. What do you use on your product hair product wise, to maintain it?

I have never used anything on my dreads other than water and anti residue shampoo to keep them clean. A lot of people suggest putting wax in your dreads to keep loose hairs together, but it's pretty easy for dirt and water to get stuck in the wax and make your dreads funky.

  1. Is there someone who helps maintain your hair on a regular basis?

I don’t really do much maintenance on my dreads. Once in a while, I’ll have a friend roll them around or twist in some loose hairs. I’ve also got a little crochet hook that I sometimes use to stick through my dreads and weave stray hairs back into the mix. It works better than anything else, but I don’t really have the patience to do it myself. It also helps a bit when people just play with my hair. Even just some head scratching or twirling fingers can be good for breaking old knots and starting new ones, especially near the roots.

  1. Do you have a favorite “go to” style?

I usually just throw them back in a ponytail. Recently, they’ve been getting to the point where I can throw most of them in a bun, but they aren’t quite long enough to really get them all to fit. Sometimes for fun, I like to rock a couple pigtails.

  1. What do you think about women with natural hair?

I’m all about it. Putting lots of chemicals in your hair seems strange to me. I can get down with some color, but hairspray and straighteners weird me out a bit. A woman who understands that she and her hair are naturally beautiful is extra beautiful to me.

  1. What are the pro’s and con’s about having your hair loc’d?

The biggest pro for me is how maintenance free they are. I can pretty much roll out of bed, and they already look great. Something that is a bit of a pro and a con is that people seem to have a lot of ideas attached to people with dreadlocks. This can be great, as sometimes I feel like they help to attract like-minded people into my life, or give people who might not otherwise approach me a reason to (like you!), but on the other hand, I feel like they might keep people from getting a chance to know me as a person rather than a hairstyle, particularly in the professional realm. The biggest downside to having dreads for me though is how long they stay wet when I wash them. They stay wet for hours, and sometimes I swear they stay wet all day. This is especially a bummer in the winter.

  1. What makes a woman’s hair beautiful to you?

Uniqueness and the confidence to rock that uniqueness. I like long hair, short hair, light hair, dark hair, nappy dreads, and silky smooth strands, but I really love it when a girl feels comfortable doing something a little different than everyone else. A little bit of color or a slightly different cut can go a long way. Sometimes a lot of uniqueness is great too! I don’t have a favorite type of hair, but it is so sexy when a girl finds and loves her own style.

  1. Do you have any advice for my readers who are considering locking their hair?

If you’re into it, do it! Be patient because it may take a while to get them in (I sat on the floor for two days straight having a friend help me do them), and they probably won’t look as cool as you want them to right away. It takes some time for the fluff to settle in. Keep in mind that they are a bit more of a commitment than most other hairstyles, but they’re also way sexier!

Jon's Curls before the dreads

  1. Have you ever experienced a stranger approach you and without permission touch your hair?

Oh, yes. All of the time.

  1. If yes, how do you feel about it?

I usually don’t mind, and sometimes it can be nice. I really like it when people play with my hair, so having a stranger do it can be kind of cool. Sometimes strangers will pull my locks. This mostly happens at shows or other crowded places. They’ll pick one out and tug on it. I don’t really know what they expect. Pulling dreads hurts just like pulling any other hair, but as long as they’re nice about it, I don’t mind if curious people want to get a little touchy feely.

  1. Some feel like it is an invasion of personal you feel that way?

There’s a time and a place for everything. Sometimes it can be bothersome, like if I’m trying to have a conversation with someone or focusing on some other task, but other times I might be sitting there thinking, “Man, I wish I had someone to play with my hair right now.” As long as people are respectful, it’s pretty cool with me.

  1. Does it help if they ask first?

Consent is always a good thing. This goes for touching my hair as well as any other situation you may find yourself in. If you’re unsure if it’s okay, ask!

  1. Last but not least where can my readers find you on the web?

I’m on facebook (, but I can’t promise that I will be your friend if I don’t know you! This is my band’s website Check it out! Other than that, you can find me skating around Philly, or maybe hanging anywhere else around the real world. Feel free to say hi if you see me!

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